Robert Neumann

12.04.25. Robert Neumann, piano




Niccolò Paganini: Capriccio no. 24*

Sergei Rachmaninov: Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini, Op. 43
Niccolò Paganini: Moto perpetuo, Op.11*
Emmanuel Chabrier: España*
Niccolò Paganini: Capriccio no. 4 Franz Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody, No. 2*
*arranged for strings by Sreten Krstić

Robert Neumann


“He owns the future… A new piano star?” TZ Munich.
“congenial music making of the highest order” Pizzicato Luxemburg.
“incarnation of a musical genius” Liechtensteiner Volksblatt. As a winner of numerous national and international youth competitions, Robert Neumann (born 2001) was awarded with the International Classic Music Discovery Award 2017. He was described as “an exceptional gift”, “one of the most promising piano talents”.


Further distinctions followed. In 2018 the Jury of the SWR (radio broadcasting corporation in Southwest Germany) chose Robert as the “SWR New Talent”. He will be supported for the next three years (including concerts, festivals, broadcasting and media presence). In the same year he recieved the “Swiss Charity Award”, was selected for the promotion program of the Mozart Society Dortmund and he was appointed prizwinner of “Concerthall Freiburg”. Furthermore with residency at the Nikolaisaal Potsdam he presented himself in a multifaceted series of recital, chamber music, orchestra concert and music education workshops.


Robert Neumann


For his debut CD at SWRmusic Robert was awarded the OPUS KLASSIK Young Artist of the Year 2021.   The young pianist made his orchestral debut with the Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra when he was eight, and since then he has appeared with other orchestras, including the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, German State Philharmonic Ludwigshafen, Stuttgart Philharmonic, Liechtenstein Symphony Orchestra, SWR Symphonieorchestra, Praga Philharmonic Camerata and the Gewandhaus Orchestra. Robert was a guest at the Festival “Moscow meets Friends” 2013, Festival of Bad Kissingen (Kissinger Sommer), Schwetzingen Festival, Gstaad Menuhin Festival, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Festival, Schleswig-Holstein-Festival, Mosel Festival, Lucerne Festival, Interlaken Classics Bern, SOLsberg Hochrhein Musikfestival and Classical Bridge Festival NY.


Robert has also appeared in the Tonhalle Zürich, Herkulessal München, Bregenz Festival Hall, Salle Cortot Paris, Konzerthaus Dortmund, Gewandhaus Leipzig, Victoria Concert Hall Singapore, the Moscow International Performing Arts Center and Lincoln Center NY.


Versatile as a chamber musician he has played with Daniel Müller-Schott, Julia Fischer, Sebastian Manz, Maximilian Hornung, Olli Mustonen and Quartetto di Cremona. Robert Neumann regularly initiates and draws special projects.


At the age of 17 he was artist in residence at the festival Next Generation in Bad Ragaz/Switzerland. In 2020 he conceived a Beethoven program together with Tanja Tetzlaff, Dominik Wollenweber, Sebastian Manz, Guilhaume Santana and Stefan Dohr and performed it across Germany.

On 09. 05.22 on Europe Day, all ARD stations broadcasted a Europe Concert, which Robert Neumann, as the idea provider, performed live in the SWR Studio together with the Ukrainian violinist Alexey Semenenko and Russian cellist Alexey Stadler. A following concert , including premieres of commissioned works, is planned in 2023.


In 2023 Robert’s second CD with works by Robert Schumann and Modest Mussorgsky will be produced and released by SWRmusic. Same year the Deutsche Grammophon will release a Portrait and a Studio Concert Video on Stage+ as a part of the series Rising Stars, and further launch another recording as Digital-only. He is also founding of a piano festival, which will take place for the first time in 2024 and will present mainly international pianists of the younger generation.


He grew up in a multilingual family of musicians and since he was four years old Monika Giurgiuman taught him at the Stuttgart Music School. At the age of eleven Robert has been accepted as a junior student into the class of Prof. Elza Kolodin at the Freiburg Music Academy. Robert started on his B.A. in Music at the age of 15. For his master’s degree, he joined Eldar Nebolsin at the Hanns Eisler Hochschule für Musik Berlin in 2021.


See resume >>