Bruno Philipp

08.02.25. Bruno Philipp, clarinet



BRUNO PHILIP, clarinet

Bruno Bjelinski: Concerto for clarinet and string orchestra
Luigi Boccherini: Symphony in D minor, Op. 12, no. 6, "La casa del diavolo", G506

Bruno Philipp


Bruno Philipp graduated in clarinet from the class of Professor Milko Pravdić at the Academy of Music in Zagreb. He developed his distinctive artistic expression at the Paris Conservatory during a three-year specialization and through numerous seminars with renowned clarinetists worldwide.


In his career, he has had a long-standing successful collaboration with pianist Ivan Batoš and has performed as a soloist with the Croatian Radiotelevision Symphony Orchestra, Croatian Radiotelevision Tamburitza Orchestra, Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra, Zagreb Soloists, Croatian Chamber Philharmonic, Ensemble LADO, Croatian Chamber Orchestra, Varaždin Chamber Orchestra, Zadar Chamber Orchestra, Transylvania Philharmonic, Fraktali, Rucner String Quartet, Porin String Quartet, Camerata Cantilly, and the Papandopulo Quartet.


Bruno Philipp


He is a member of several chamber ensembles and celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Zagreb Wind Trio in 2020 with a tour in Norway. As part of the concert series ‘Osijek Musical Wednesday,’ the Zagreb Wind Trio received an award for the best performances in the 2018/2019 season.


With the Zagreb Klezmer Trio, he performed a full-length concert in the series ‘In the Atmosphere of Tambura’ with the Croatian Radiotelevision Tamburitza Orchestra, which was entirely recorded for HRT.   Among his awards, he won the 1st Croatian Competition for Young Artists Papandopulo in 2012 and took 2nd place at the International Clarinet Competition in Cluj in 2011, as well as receiving a prize from the Romanian Composers Association.


Bruno Philipp is an artist who inspiredly combines different genres and stylistic periods, and his solo repertoire often includes premieres of contemporary works, some of which have been dedicated to him by composers M. Makar, D. Bobić, O. Jelaska, D. Detoni, N. Njirić, Z. Novačić, J. Magdić, T. Uhlik, T. Buritch, V. A. Jockin, T. I. Borić, and L. Lin-Ni. He regularly records for the Croatian Radio archive. From 2011 to 2017, he conceived and hosted the music-educational program for children and youth ‘Glazbena kutijica’ within the Educational Program of Croatian Radio, First Program. He has been a long-time educator with the status of advisor professor at the Blagoje Bersa Music School in Zagreb. Since 2023, he has been employed as the principal clarinetist in the Orchestra of the Croatian National Theatre Opera in Zagreb.


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