Christmas oratorio

Every month, one Tuesday is reserved for a concert by the Choir of Croatian Radio and Television from the Sfumato cycle. On Tuesday, December 18 at 8 p.m., in the great hall of the Croatian Music Institute, the Zagreb soloists will perform with the Choir of Croatian Radio and Television.

On the program is the Christmas oratorio for soloists, choir, strings, organ and harp by Camille Saint-Säens and Croatian Christmas carols arranged by Tomislav Fačini. As soloists, they will be joined by Monika Cerovčec, soprano, Nikolina Virgej Pintar, mezzo-soprano, Martina Borse, alto, Stjepan Franetović, tenor, Marko Fortunato, tenor and Tomislav Fačini as conductor.


HRT Choir and Tomislav Fačini

HRT Choir and Tomislav Fačini